2014. január 30., csütörtök


I like the Duolingo. I can use the Hunarian version. This is a good play and a good learning. :)

2014. január 29., szerda


The migration is so hard. I must get used to the new flat, the new state.

I frieded cheese bake :)) The quilt is so so hot :)

2014. január 26., vasárnap

I decide...

I decide my eyes will be always gleam. If I am happy, the word will be happy around me.
My happy moment was this day: I saw the snowfall :)

I shape my life!!!

2014. január 23., csütörtök

2014. január 22., szerda

2014. január 21., kedd


HelloBello again :)

I am so curious what will I write 2 weeks later :) And how will I read what I now wrire. My life is now pounding. But I am so so happy abut it. I try don't speak to much about it to Andor :)

I finde this video on facebook:

This was the best thing today. :)

GoodNightAndHaveANiceDream! :)

2014. január 20., hétfő

Sipral upward :)

My life will change, so in my soul is storm. I wait the change, but I be afraid, as well as excited, curious, I feel a lots feelings. The change show me who stand by me. I have some ill-wisher, but I love AndorBandor, so I am very happy :)

I am learning to thank my hard period. I search the best solution. The whole life is a learning process.

Ginga :)

2014. január 19., vasárnap

HelloBello :)

I am happy, becouse I decided to I will stady MET terapy. :))


2014. január 16., csütörtök

I arrived home ... :)

My (our) new life started this day :) I am so happy!!! 
I love AndorBandor. I love because he wants to be with me. I am very curious what will be our new life. 
I am very tired, but I am very happy! :) 

Kisses and Hugs :)

2014. január 15., szerda

Change ...

I don't speak and write well English, but I decide to I will write English this blog. I must practice and I must dare use what I know now.
I heard about a boy, who wrote every day a positive thing, what he felt that day.

My positive things this day:
<3  I like to plan the future. (not daydream, things what I can achive)
<3  I lookd the hour, when the time was 11:20. I was born November 20. :)
<3  I look forward to my boyfreand call me.  HE NOW CALL ME :) :) : ) :)

I am so happy :))
